Instance of radiant happiness
the cacophonous music of the crows
their scattered fries and flattened bags
knitting hieroglyphics and constant piano music
Stand in capitol underwear and smelling like a saint
Oh, Aloysius of Quebec
pleasing sinner covered in Hebrew characters
calculating the number of syllables needed
to finish this mendacious scripture.
like this false regard
like this impermanence
judgment disliked like false intelligence
success in analogy mistaken immanence
for eminent seekers who seek permission
in conspicuous correction
and wind up leaving
in ignorance
the glottal stop possessed but yet
what voiceless host rejects
the service of the rain
Oh rabbi in the downpour, your
umbrella mistaken for a pencil
forgotten - left on a wet bench
covered in vocabulary and ripped from syntax
enslaved Israel
neglected ordinal
the rain is ordered and thus uncountable